Rent a Car | Kennesaw GA | Near Marietta, Acworth and the Greater Atlanta Area

Rent a Toyota

Rent a Toyota in Kennesaw, GA

When you rent a Toyota, you'll never go back. From outstanding safety features to time-proven reliability and style, Toyota stands out from other manufacturers. The Rent a Toyota program provides you with the ultimate opportunity to experience a Toyota for an extended period of time without making a commitment right away. Keep reading to learn more about the unique Rent a Toyota program here at Cobb County Toyota!

Reasons to Rent


Try Before You Buy
Sometimes a test drive isn’t enough. Rent it. Like it. Buy it!


Business/Leisure Rentals
Escape for the weekend or take a small business trip.


Service Rentals
Car in the shop? Rent a Toyota until you're back on your feet!


Body Shop Rentals
Fender bender? Drive a Toyota while you're in-between rides!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I rent a vehicle at one location and return it to another location?
At this time, the vehicle must be returned to the Rent a Toyota dealership where it was rented. Check with your Rent a Toyota dealer about off-site pickup services.

Can I rent any Toyota vehicle?
Participating Rent a Toyota dealers have a wide variety of the latest models available for rent. Please check with your local Rent a Toyota dealer for available models in your area.

Can I buy the vehicle I am renting?
Absolutely. Most Rent a Toyota vehicles are available to purchase after their short four-month in service period. Please check with your dealer for details.

Can I take the vehicle I rented into Mexico or Canada?
Rent a Toyota vehicles are allowed in the continental United States, Alaska and Canada. Rent a Toyota vehicles are not covered in Mexico.

Are there age restrictions on the person renting the Toyota?
Yes. You must be at least 21 years of age to rent a Toyota vehicle. Check with individual dealers for exact age requirements.

Are there any other restrictions?
You need a valid driver's license and a major credit card in your own name to rent a vehicle in the Rent a Toyota program. Proof of full coverage insurance may be required at the time of rental.

Notes about licenses:
A valid license from the Renter's state of residence or country of origin is required (i.e., must not be expired, must not have any restrictions).

An International Driving Permit or license is acceptable but is not required.

A military license is acceptable as long as it is accompanied by the Renter's state of residence license, as well as proof that the Renter is on active duty.

A Learner's Permit is not an acceptable license.

A temporary license, permit or application for a Driver's License may be acceptable. Always check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles to verify that such paperwork is valid and has not expired. Some states will hold a Driver's License after a ticket has been issued by police. This ticket is not acceptable.

Whether it's a sedan, SUV, truck, hybrid or minivan you're shopping for, we have a wide selection of Toyota models for you to choose from. Eager to know what all the fuss is about? Stop by Cobb County Toyota and take advantage of the Rent a Toyota program today!

To find out more, contact us today or stop by our dealership to see our inventory in-person at 2111 Barrett Lakes Blvd., Kennesaw, GA 30144. We look forward to serving our customers from Kennesaw, GA, Marietta, Acworth and the Greater Atlanta area.